C: Rumour at Nightfall (1931)

 '[Frank] Swinnerton’s assessment of the novel [Evening News, 20Nov1931] was clear-cut: ‘Its setting is Carlist Spain; its characters are three in number; its story a simple triangle; and its mysteriousness infinite … Mr Greene’s [characters] spend their time in hinting. You would think they concealed a difficult profundity … [Their] actions are … simple; their talk seems to belong to another world. It is the incongruity that baffles the reader. Not one of these people can give a plain answer to a plain question. Their tongues jump heavily into irrelevance. They are not so much evasive as gravely incomprehensible, even to one another.’' [Asperger's?]

'In Richard Greene’s telling, Graham’s bipolar disorder afflicted him not just, or even mostly, with overexcitement and depression but above all with a terrible boredom, which he could alleviate only by constant thrill-seeking'

three parts, ten subsections

inspired by Conrad's Arrow of Gold

 also Henty

[wikipedia] [archive] [goodreads] [editions/covers]

Michael Shelden's biog [MS] makes some daring interpretive leaps 

(I can't find any source for the title...?)

 Mahon or Moltke



Spain 1870s? [MS] 3rd Carlist war

Francis Chase, reporter from London

Michael Crane, Chase's lover for the last 10yrs??? [MS]

Luis Roca

Ramon Caveda, guerilla leader

Colonel Riego

Captain Quintana

Eulelia Monti: photo shows "A woman so certain of the virtue of some acts, of some silences." (can a photo show this???)

C0: "O ye that stand upon the brink,
C11: Part 1 Francis Chase let the reins fall
C12: Captain Quintana carelessly gathered

C13: The first emotion

C14: The message he had to send

C15: "You mustn't come with me

C21: Part 2 Crane caught her 

C22: It was on that belief

C23: The last words troubled

C31: Part 3 Chase sat

C32: But from the moment when




